Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Waiting and Wondering

It seems as things settle down for a bit, in this crazy life, there is always a waiting and wondering process happening.
Did I make the team ?
Will I get into college?
Will I be able to get a loan to pay for college?
Will everything be okay?
Can we pay the mortgage?
Will there be enough?

The list goes on. Finding away to live among the questions is a struggle. I like answers, I want answers.
My children watch me...How will she react? what we will she do?
The good news is because of their watchful eyes I am reluctant to react, I wait let the dust settle, look for the good, be patient. It goes against my grain but I do it. I have learned to have faith it is the best thing I can do.
Watch wait and Listen...
This to shall pass and we will be waiting for the next thing, with eight children I have become a good waiter... My hope is that they will too !

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